Benefits Of An International Daycare Or Kindergarten

保育士 speaking English to the kids in the morning
保育士 speaking English to the kids in the morning

The daycare kids are in and having fun before the kindergarten kids get in.

Talking away in English playing with Duplo and using their imaginations, talking to the teachers.

It's exactly the same as a normal #幼稚園 or #保育園 except that it's all in English.

Some parents might worry about the children's Japanese abilities but from our experience there is no issue, they of course speak fluent #日本語 with their parents, relatives, friends at the park on weekends...

Why stunt their chance to become fluent in English by worrying about their Japanese language development.

When they get busy in Elementary school with #塾 swimming, piano lessons etc the chances for developing English fluency slips away.

#池田市 #箕面市 #川西市 #豊中市 #伊丹市